The Interdisciplinary Project of Basic Research
The essence of the project involves searching for categories that are common to various disciplines of human knowledge, as well as various cognitive and human activities in art (in the 20th century art and science were wrongly separated regarding their reflection of cognition). We are looking for common concepts, problems, structures, bridges, and new cognitive prospects.
The first stage of our activities involves examining selected categories. The purpose of the meetings is to deepen the understanding of the concepts in use by each discipline - and to create links to other disciplines - thus deepening the self-consciousness of each discipline and working towards the unity of science - as a device describing the common world to us.
Gradually we have been building a meta-conscious reflection: on the ways of creating categories, on their functioning and differentiation - developing reflections on language theory, theories of mind, general methodology of sciences, cultural anthropology and other fields.
Program Council
Ph.D. Janina Buczkowska (UKSW); Prof. Ph.D. Teresa Dobrzyńska (IBL PAN), prof. Ph.D. Bogusław Dopart (Jagiellonian University), Ph.D. Anna Kozłowska (UKSW), Dr Corinne Fournier Kiss (University of Bern), Prof. Ph.D. Siergiej Gindin (Russian State University for the Humanities), Ph.D. Jacek Kopciński (UKSW), Ph.D. Marek Kowalski (UKSW), Prof. Ph.D. Anna Lemańska (UKSW); Prof. Ph.D. Jarosław Ławski (University of Bern); Prof. Ph.D. Wiesław Macek (UKSW), Ph.D. Marcin Poręba (UW), Fr. Prof. Ph.D. Jarosław Różański (UKSW); Ph.D. Magdalena Saganiak (UKSW) (chairwoman), Dr Dominik Sulej; prof. Ph.D. Marek Szydłowski (Jagiellonian University), Fr. Ph.D. Paweł Tambor (KUL), Ph.D. Marian Turzański (WMP UKSW); Dr Mateusz Werner (WNH UKSW), Prof. Ph.D. Zofia Zarębianka (Jagiellonian University)
We also started researching in a new area:
Studies on national and European identity (language – culture – consciousness – self-determination).
Here our purpose is learning about history, literature and culture as means of creating social bonds, rethinking knowledge of the past and present in order to develop possible projects of the future for society, integrating knowledge in various fields to identify the conditions of contemporary societies and develop proposals for their development, also in the aspect of participation in the community of Europeans, portraying culture as a sphere of shared experience, helpful in solving current tasks and problems.
Subject matter: language, ideas for thinking about society and nation, the types of internal diversity, the concepts of subjectivity, the concepts of individual freedom and collective relationships, the forms of tradition and memory, the types of religiosity and spirituality, the forms of self-determination.
Seven conferences (and two symposia) have taken place – all at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński.
October 22-23, 2009
I Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference:
"Medytacja. Sposób poznania, postawa intelektualna, gatunek dyskursu"
[Meditation. The way of cognition, the intellectual attitude, the genre of discourse]
April 26-28, 2012
II Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference:
"Nieskończoność w refleksji człowieka (teologia, filozofia, duchowość, nauka, kultura, sztuka)"[Infinity in human reflection (theology, philosophy, spirituality, science, culture, art)]
April 18-20, 2013
III Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference:
"Różnica – tożsamość – zmiana"
[Difference - Identity – Change]
April 24-26, 2014
IV Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference:
"Byt – nicość – nihilizm"
[Existence - Nothingness – Nihilism]
April 14-16, 2016
V Interdisciplinary Conference
"Czas – przestrzeń – czasoprzestrzeń"
[Time - Space - Space-time]
December 8-9, 2016,
VI Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference
"Społeczeństwo polskie dziś – samoświadomość, uznanie, edukacja"
[Polish Society now. Self-consciousness - Approval – Education]
December 2, 2017
"Odpowiedzialność za słowo w komunikacji literackiej"
[Responsibility for word at literary communication]
October 18-19, 2018
VII International Interdisciplinary Conference:
"Podmiot – tożsamość, świadomość, niepodległość / Subject – Identity, Consciousness, Independence"
January 16, 2020
Sympozjum "Dionizos – Apollo – Chrystus. Wokół idei Króla Rogera Karola Szymanowskiego i Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza"
[Symposium "Dionizos – Apollo – Chrystus. King Roger by Karol Szymanowski and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz] (in cooperation with Pracownia Historii Dramatu na Polonistyce UW)
Further conferences are being planned
November, 2022
VIII International Interdisciplinary Conference:
(1) "Medytacja. Sposób poznania, postawa intelektualna, gatunek dyskursu"
[Meditation. The method of cognition, the intellectual attitude, the genre of discourse]. Ed. Teresa Kostkiewiczowa and Magdalena Saganiak, Wydawnictwo UKSW [UKSW Publishing House], Warszawa 2010
(2) Nieskończoność. Badania interdyscyplinarne
[Infinity. Interdyscyplinary studies]. Ed. Magdalena Saganiak, Anna Kozłowska, Dominik Sulej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, Warszawa 2017
(3) Społeczeństwo polskie dziś. Samoświadomość – uznanie – edukacja
[Polish society now. Self-consciousness – approval – education] Ed. Magdalena Saganiak, Mateusz Werner, Magdalena Woźniewska-Działak, Łukasz Kucharczyk, Wydawnictwo NCK i Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, Warszawa 2018 (cooperation with National Centre for Culture Poland)
(4) Byt. Interdyscyplinarne badania podstawowe. Część I: Różnica – tożsamość zmiana. Część II: Byt – nicość – nihilizm
[Existence. Interdisciplinary basic research. Part I: Różnica – tożsamość – zmiana [Difference – identity – change]. Part II: Byt – nicość – nihilizm [Existence – nothingness – nihilism]. Ed. Magdalena Saganiak, Anna Kozłowska, Mateusz Werner, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, Warszawa 2019
(5) Czasoprzestrzeń
[Space-time]. Ed. Magdalena Saganiak, Anna Kozłowska, Dominik Sulej, Warszawa 2020
In printing
(6) Odpowiedzialność za słowo
[Responsibility for word] Ed. Magdalena Saganiak, Dominik Sulej, Szymon Kurpanik, Weronika Rychta, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, Warszawa 2021
In preparation
(6)Manfred Frank, Subjektivität und Selbstbewusstsein / Subjectivity and Selfconsciousness / Podmiotowość i świadomość siebie. Lecture in German with discussion in German, English and Polish, red. Magdalena Saganiak (Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych UKSW), Marcin Poręba (Instytut Filozofii UW) (wydanie wykładu wygłoszonego w UKSW).
(7) Podmiot – tożsamość, świadomość, niepodległość / Subject – Identity, Consciousness, Independence, red. Magdalena Saganiak (Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych UKSW), Marcin Poręba (Instytut Filozofii UW)
Warsaw, April the 5th, 2021
Magdalena Saganiak